
The human hand is not only crucial for physical tasks but also instrumental in non-verbal communication and help express a range of emotions, enriching human interaction across different languages and cultures. For example, a clenched fist can indicate anger or determination, while an open hand can signal openness or peace.

Because of this significance we created a very extensive resource that is aimed to provide accurate, diverse and detailed human hand scan data. Hand Scan Library took us over a year of full-time dedication to produce. It features 230 individual hands, with 62 poses each, totaling over 14,200 unique human hand scans.

Hand Complexity

Apart from the face, human hand is extremely difficult subject to draw or animate correctly. This is due to a couple of factors, each bringing its own level of complexity:

  1. Anatomy. Hands are structurally complex, consisting of 27 bones (out of 206 body total) and around 40 intrinsic and extrinsic muscles (out of 600 body total) that control the movement of the hand and fingers.
  2. Variability of Motion. Hands can move in many ways, adopting a wide variety of poses which can be difficult to depict accurately. Even the slightest finger movement will affect the shape of a hand in many places.
  3. Perspective. Hands seen from different angles require adjustments in perspective and foreshortening, making them hard to draw realistically without distorting their proportions.


This Hand Scan library is created with a purpose to help overcome this difficulty. Before we started scanning, we had to isolate specific poses that would cover the majority of human hand motions. And because hands are so nimble, we had to narrow down the final set to 62 poses. It covers everything from a base neutral pose, to various well known hand gestures, to action sequences and prop holding.

During the scanning we eliminate any color casts, external light pollution or any other variables that can affect the output. Our high-quality standards guarantee consistent results across our entire collection. Making it ideal for any type of research, statistical analysis, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications.

For this library we’ve scanned 230 individuals of varied ages, ethnic origins and professions using our specially designed and calibrate 3D scanning rig. Each model performed the same set of 62 hand poses, with some exceptions where due to injury or other factors they were unable to perform some of them. 

Quality and Standards

In order to ensure quality over time we maintain strict standards to eliminate any factors that might pollute or corrupt the data. Any bright or colorful clothing covered, jewelery and visible hair are removed. The model’s gender, age, height, weight and other details are recorded and displayed on each product page for your convenience. These details are set as a Browse page filters that will help you fine tune results. All captured and processed data is correctly calibrated and scaled using standard industry practices as well as our own.

Each scan is delivered as a raw 5 million polygon mesh in *.obj format, 8192x8192 pixels uncompressed *.tif texture in Linear Color. To examine the product quality, you can download a sample scan here Free Scan Samples.

Model’s occupation and statistics

Unlike the rest of the products in our library, hand scan products are named according to the model’s occupation or other activity. This is because what people do for a prolonged period of time has a direct impact on how their hands look. This doesn’t always work for younger models, but we think it’s a good indicator that you can use to identify the right hands for your project.

Hand Poses

Below you can see all 62 poses that were used for this library. Each picture shows the front and side views to better understand the hand positions. Descriptions are provided to give a bit more information about what is happening in each pose.

01 Neutral Relaxed
Hand in a neutral relaxed position with fingers extended but slightly bent.

02 Neutral Relaxed Closed
Hand in a neutral relaxed position with fingers fully relaxed.

03 One Reversed
Hand in a fist position with Little finger extended.

04 Two Reversed
Hand in a fist position with Little and Ring fingers extended and parted.

05 Three Reversed
Hand in a fist position with Little, Ring and Middle fingers extended and parted.

06 One+Finger point
Hand in a fist position with Index finger extended.

07 Two+Victory
Index and Middle fingers are raised and parted, while the other fingers are clenched into a fist.

08 Three
Index, Middle and Ring fingers are raised and parted, while the thumb is pressed over the curled Little finger.

09 Four
All fingers extended with the thumb tucked against the palm.

10 Rock
Hand in a fist position with the Index and Little fingers extended.

11 Middle Finger
Hand in a fist position with the Middle finger extended.

12 Relaxed Finger Point
Hand in a neutral relaxed position with fingers fully relaxed while the Index finger is extended. The thumb is touching the Middle finger.

13 Clenched Fist
Hand in a fist position.

14 Finger Gun
Little, Ring and Middle fingers fully curled while the thumb and Index fingers fully extended.

15 Grey Wolf
Ring, Middle and thumb fingers pressed together while Little and Index fingers fully extended.

16 Pinky Index Close Open
Thumb and Index fingers are hyperextended, Middle finger extended, Ring and Little fingers gradually flexed.

17 Pinky Index Open Close
Little and Ring fingers are hyperextended, Middle finger extended, thumb abducted with Index finger flexed.

18 Finger1 Touch Thumb + OK
Little, Ring and Middle fingers are extended and parted. Index and thumb fingers are touching, forming a circle.

19 Finger2 Touch Thumb
Little, Ring and Index fingers are extended and parted. Middle and thumb fingers are touching, forming a circle.

20 Finger3 Touch Thumb
Little, Middle and Index fingers are extended and parted. Ring and thumb fingers are touching, forming a circle.

21 Finger4 Touch Thumb
Ring, Middle and Index fingers are extended and parted. Little and thumb fingers are touching, forming a circle.

22 Fingers Crossed
Index and Middle fingers are crossed while the rest of the fingers are fully curled.

23 Fingers Bend 2+Fingers Forward
Index, Middle, Ring and Little fingers are straight and bent at the base at 45 degrees, thumb in a neutral position.

24 Fingers Bend 3
Index, Middle, Ring and Little fingers are straight and bent at the base at 90 degrees, thumb in a neutral position.

25 Fingers Bend 4+Beckoning
Four fingers are pressed together and curled while tips are not touching the palm, thumb in a neutral position.

26 Wrist Bend Right
Wrist bent right.

27 Wrist Bend Forward
Wrist bent forward.

28 Wrist Bend Left
Wrist bent left.

29 Wrist Bend Back
Wrist bent back.

30 Rock Thumb Open
Index, Little finger and thumb straight, Middle and Ring fingers curled fully, tips not touching the palm.

31 Fingers backwards
All fingers hyperextended and slightly parted.

32 Cradle
All fingers are pressed together, slightly curved, creating a hollow space in the hand.

33 Four Thumb Folded
Four fingers extended and pressed together, thumb tucked inside the palm.

34 Chimp
Four fingers fully curled with tips touching the palm.

35 Shaka
Thumb and Little finger extended while the other fingers are fully curled.

36 Fig
Hand in a fist position with the thumb placed between the Index and Middle fingers.

37 Fig Middle
Hand in a fist position with the thumb placed between the Middle and Ring fingers.

38 Fist Thumb In
Hand in a fist position with the thumb hidden inside the fist.

39 sq Phalanges Open1+Thumb up
Hand in a fist position, thumb extended.

40 sq Phalanges Open2
Four fingers curled together and slightly parted from the palm, thumb extended.

41 sq Phalanges Open3
Four fingers half curled and parted, thumb extended.

42 sq Claw 1
All fingers hyperextended, fully parted and bent slightly. The whole hand under tension.

43 sq Claw 2
All fingers hyperextended, fully parted and bent. The whole hand under tension.

44 sq Claw 3
All fingers hyperextended, fully parted and curled. The whole hand under tension.

45 sq Claw 4
All fingers hyperextended, fully parted and curled almost touching. The whole hand under tension.

46 sq Pinch Opening 1
All fingers in a pinch position fully closed.

47 sq Pinch Opening 2
All fingers in a pinch position and slightly opened.

48 sq Pinch Opening 3
All fingers in a pinch position and opened.

49 sq Palm Open 1+Fingers Bend 1+salute
All fingers extended and pressed together. Thumb pressed to the palm.

50 sq Palm Open 2
All fingers extended and slightly parted.

51 sq Palm Open 3 + five 5
All fingers extended and fully parted.

52 sq Grip Close 1
Four fingers pressed together and bent, thumb is extended forward. The whole hand under tension.

53 sq Grip Close 2
Four fingers pressed together and curled towards the thumb. The whole hand under tension.

54 sq Grip Close 3
Four fingers pressed together and curled, touching the thumb. The whole hand under tension.

55 sq Size 1
Little, Ring and Middle fingers fully curled. Index finger and thumb extended forward and parted slightly.

56 sq Size 2
Little, Ring and Middle fingers fully curled. Index finger and thumb extended forward and parted.

57 sq Size 3
Little, Ring and Middle fingers fully curled. Index finger and thumb extended forward and parted as much as possible.

58 Prop Ball d70mm
Hand holding a ball 70mm (2.76in) in diameter.

59 Prop Pipe d25mm
Hand holding a pipe 25mm (0.98in) in diameter.

60 Prop Pipe angled d25mm
Hand holding a pipe 25mm (0.98in) in diameter at an angle pointing up.

61 Prop Pipe d35mm
Hand holding a pipe 35mm (1,38in) in diameter.

62 Prop Pencil d6mm
Hand holding a pencil between the Index, thumb and Middle fingers.


Action Sequences

This library includes 10 action sequences. They are designed to represent common actions and the formation of hand positions. Below, you can view an animated representation of each sequence and the poses that compose each sequence.

Sq01- poses: 06, 07, 08, 09, 51
Showing a number starting with the Index finger. 

Sq02 – poses: 03, 04, 05, 09, 51
Showing a number starting with the Little finger.

Sq03 – poses: 18, 19, 20, 21
Thumb touching fingers one by one.

Sq04 – poses: 49, 23, 24, 25, 13
Hand forming a fist.

Sq05 – poses: 39, 40, 41
Four fingers opening from a fist position.

Sq06 – poses: 42, 43, 44, 45
Claw closing.

Sq07 – poses: 46, 47, 48
Pinch opening.

Sq08 – poses: 49, 50, 51
Palm opening.

Sq09 – poses: 52, 53, 54
Hand grip.

Sq10 – poses: 55, 56,57
Displaying a size between Index and Thumb fingers.

Fields of Use

Just as Face and Full Body 3D scan libraries in our store, this Hand Scan library can be used in many ways. It is suitable for creating digital doubles for use in CGI, providing references for drawing and anatomy studies, conducting statistical analysis and medical research, developing hand tools and wearable accessories, and conducting virtual testing that can help improve tools, equipment and devices. The consistent quality and fixed pose range per model make it ideal for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence research.

Hand Sculpts

Every neutral pose in this library has been cleaned, retopologized and textured to the highest quality level. All models share the same topology and UV’s making it possible to morph, merge, mix, and swap details between them. Any hand scan product page that you are browsing will have it linked at the bottom in the “Same model other products” section. You can also browse them here. Or if you want to find out more, please read this blog post Hand Sculpts.